Wednesday, October 28, 2015

FLORIDA STUDENTS SHINE ON NATIONAL REPORT CARD ~ Hispanic students continue to outperform the nation in grades 4 and 8 ~

Reading and Mathematics assessments. The results show that Florida’s fourth grade Hispanic students continue to have the nation’s highest percentage of students performing at or aboveBasic and at or above Proficient in reading. 


Continuing the trend, Florida’s fourth grade low-income students also have the country’s highest percentage of students performing at or aboveBasic in reading and the highest average scale score in reading. Hispanic fourth graders also earned the nation’s highest average scale score in reading and the highest percentage at or aboveProficient in mathematics. 


Education Commissioner Pam Stewart said, “The 2015 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) is one way we can measure the performance of our state’s students. I am pleased that this year’s results show once again that we are a leader in the nation in these key subjects. This is a testament to the hard work of Florida’s educators in preparing our students and a reminder as to why we must remain committed to our robust education accountability system.”


Highlights of the 2015 NAEP reading and mathematics results include:




·        On grade 4 reading, no states scored significantly higher than Florida’s African American and Hispanic students, and only three states scored significantly higher overall. 


·        No states scored significantly higher on grade 8 reading than Florida’s African American and Hispanic students.


·        Florida’s Hispanic students outperformed their national peers in both grades 4 and 8 reading at or above Basic and at or above Proficient.


·        In grade 4 reading, nearly all Florida subgroups performed better than their national counterparts in the percentage of students scoring at or above Basic


·        Economically-disadvantaged students and students with disabilities outperformed the nation at or above Basic in grade 8 reading.


·        With an average scale score of 224, Florida’s Hispanic fourth graders significantly outscored the nation.


·        Florida’s Hispanic fourth grade students led the nation with 71 percent scoring at or above Basic and 34 percent of Hispanic 4thgraders scored at or above Proficient.  





·        In grade 4, most subgroups performed better than their national peers scoring at or above Basic. Hispanic students, economically-disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities outperformed the nation scoring at or above Proficient.


·        Florida’s Hispanic students and students with disabilities have the nation’s second highest average scale score in grade 4 mathematics.


·        For both 4th and 8th grade African American and Hispanic students, no state has a significantly higher scale score than Florida.



For more information about Florida’s 2015 NAEP reading and math performance, visit The Nation‘s Report Card.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ron Book opens up and tells us why his Daughter Lauren is his hero

#pushing4lauren Please Help and share

On July 7th, 2015 we received a phone call that Lauren was in the emergency room due to repetitive headaches that were making her dizzy and affecting her balance and coordination. At first we did not think anything of it since Lauren had recently stopped drinking caffeine, leading us to believe she was having withdrawals. Lauren had been suffering from minor headaches prior to her diagnosis but no attention was ever given until her mother forced her to go get checked. The hospital performed a CT scan which showed that there was a tumor located in her cerebellum. Lauren was diagnosed with a pediatric tumor called Medulloblastoma. After receiving the news our families experienced a major shift. What used to be important to us (work, school, bills) was no longer important. Lauren and her health
became our priority. On July 10th, 2015 after four hours of surgery the doctor informed us that they were able to remove the entire tumor but that she was going to have to go through radiation and chemotherapy to prevent it from coming back. The great but not so good news allowed us to put our lives in perspective and appreciate what is really important in our lives. Lauren has overcome radiation and will soon begin chemotherapy. She has been an extraordinary role model to not only us (her family and friends) but to others who are experiencing similar situations.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

El Papa Francisco expres贸 hoy su solidaridad a los afectados por los deslizamientos en Guatemala

El Papa Francisco expres贸 hoy su solidaridad a los afectados por los deslizamientos en Guatemala

El Papa Francisco expres贸 hoy su solidaridad a los afectados por los deslizamientos de tierra que se han producido en la aldea El Cambray II, del municipio de Santa Catarina Pinula, y que han provocado 85 muertes y la desaparici贸n de 350 personas.
“Permanezco cercano a las poblaciones duramente afectadas y (les traslado) mi solidaridad”, dijo tras el rezo del 脕ngelus mariano, ante cientos de fieles y turistas que se congregaron como cada domingo en la plaza de San Pedro.
Por el momento las autoridades Guatemaltecas han localizado sin vida a 85 personas tras el alud que arras贸 el jueves un asentamiento cercano a la capital.
Dos d铆as despu茅s de la considerada como mayor cat谩strofe nacional de este a帽o descartan hallar a m谩s sobrevivientes entre las 350 que siguen desaparecidas.
La tragedia ocurri贸 el jueves por la noche en El Cambray II a escasos 20 kil贸metros de la capital Guatemalteca.